Passenger cars below 3.5t - urban roads: 50 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - non-urban roads: 90 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - expressways: 90 km/h
Summer time - 110 km/h on dual carriageways
Passenger cars below 3.5t - motorways: 90 km/h
Summer time - 110 km/h on dual carriageways
Vehicle registration plates: EST
Maximum blood alcohol content - Standard drivers: 0,2 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Novice drivers: 0,2 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Professional drivers: 0,2 ‰
Daytime running lights: Daytime running lights are mandatory even during daylight hours
Seat belts
The use of seat belts and child seats is MANDATORY.
Exemptions for:
- children over 3, in taxis
- driving on ice roads (roads created on frozen sea, river or lake)
- delivery vehicles making frequent stops (every 100m or less)
Traffic lights
Flashing green light warns that a change to amber is imminent.
Amber light: stop unless you are already too close to stop safely when the light changes
Safety helmet not mandatory
Cyclists and drivers of Segways, mini-mopeds and mopeds under 16 must wear a strapped cycle helmet when riding or driving on a road.
Safety helmet mandatory
Motorcycles with/without a sidecar
Light and heavy tricycles
Light and heavy quadricycles (Does not apply to enclosed 3- and 4-wheeled motorcycles and mopeds with seat belts and seats installed by the manufacturer)
Safety equipment for cars
Wheel chock
Warning triangle
First-aid box (only company car)
Safety vest (cars, trucks, buses or tractors)
Bike safety equipment
Helmet – mandatory for cyclists under 16
Warning bell
Working brakes
White reflector in front, red reflector at the back and yellow or white reflector on both sides of at least one wheel of the bicycle
Winter tyres
From 1 December until 1 March.
published: 2015-08-13
last modification: 2015-08-21