Passenger cars below 3.5t - urban roads: 50 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - non-urban roads: 90 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - expressways: 110 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - motorways: 130 km/h
Vehicle registration plates: H
Maximum blood alcohol content - Standard drivers: 0,0 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Novice drivers: 0,0 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Professional drivers: 0,0 ‰
Daytime running lights: Daytime running lights are mandatory even during daylight hours
Mandatory only outside built-up areas
Seat belts
The use of seat belts and child seats is MANDATORY
Seat belts are not compulsory for:
- drivers when reversing
- taxi drivers on duty
- patients in an ambulance
- passengers on public transport in urban areas
- passengers in long-distance buses with places for standing passengers
- children under 3 in buses
- people exempt for medical reasons
Child seats are compulsory for children under 3 and shorter than 150 cm
Child seats are not compulsory for:
- children over 3 and taller than 135 cm, if the car's normal seat belt fits for their size
- children travelling in a taxi, ambulance, police car or bus that is allowed to transport standing passengers
- children exempt for medical reasons
Traffic lights
Amber light precedes the red light: stop unless you are already too close to stop safely when the light changes.
Safety helmet not mandatory
Bicycles (Mandatory only outside built-up areas, at speeds higher than 50 km/h)
Light and heavy quadricycles (Mandatory where the maximum design speed is above 20 km/h)
Safety helmet mandatory
Motorcycles with/without a sidecar
Light and heavy tricycles
Safety equipment for cars
Warning triangle
Bike safety equipment
Front and rear lights
Orange spoke reflectors
Helmet (only over 50 km/h outside built-up areas)
Reflective vest (outside built-up areas, at night/ in poor visibility).
Winter tyres