Passenger cars below 3.5t - urban roads: 50 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - non-urban roads: 80 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - expressways: 80 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - motorways: 80 km/h
Vehicle registration plates: M
Maximum blood alcohol content - Standard drivers: 0,8 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Novice drivers: 0,8 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Professional drivers: 0,8 ‰
Daytime running lights: -
Seat belts
The use of seat belts and child restraint systems is MANDATORY (Directive 91/671/EEC as amended). The use of seat belts is not compulsory for the following persons:
- the driver of or a passenger in a motor vehicle constructed or adapted for the delivery or collection of goods or mail when carrying out local rounds of deliveries or collections
- driver reversing or manoeuvring the motor vehicle for a short distance in a limited space
- qualified driver and supervising the holder of provisional learning licence when the holder is performing any manoeuvre mentioned in the previous point
- driver in possession of a certificate of medical exemption
- member of the Police Force or of the Prison Service while protecting or escorting persons
- driver in the service of a fire brigade and wearing operational clothing or equipment
- medical officer or an attendant whilst attending to patients travelling in any ambulance
- driver conducting a driving competence test
- disabled person who is wearing a disabled person's belt or a disabled person who is unable to use a standard belt
- driver of a licensed taxi or car for hire while carrying passengers for hire
Traffic lights
- Red and amber signal indicate an impending change from the red signal to green signal and convey the same prohibition as the red signal
- Green signal indicates that vehicle may proceed straight, or turn to the left or to the right
- Amber signal indicates an impending change from the green signal to the red signal and conveys the same prohibition as the red signal
Safety helmet not mandatory
The use of helmet is mandatory for power assisted pedal cycles and for children under 10 travelling pillion in a safety seat.
Safety helmet mandatory
Two-wheel vehicles of category L1e (mopeds)
Two-wheel vehicles of categories L3e, L4e (motorcycles with/without a sidecar)
Motor tricycles of categories L2e, L5e (light and heavy tricycles)
Motor quadricycles of categories L6e, L7e (light and heavy quadricycles)
Safety equipment for cars
Cars for hire must be equipped with fire extinguishers, warning breakdown triangle and first aid kit.
Bike safety equipment
Reflective jacket (in the dark only)
Helmet for children under 10 travelling pillion in a safety seat
Front and rear lamps and rear reflectors (in the dark only)
Racing bicycles are normally exempted from the obligations mentioned above unless used at night
Winter tyres
published: 2015-08-13
last modification: 2015-08-21