Passenger cars below 3.5t - urban roads: 50 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - non-urban roads: 80 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - expressways: 100 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - motorways: 120 km/h
Vehicle registration plates: CH
Maximum blood alcohol content - Standard drivers: 0,5 ‰
Maximum blood alcohol content - Novice drivers: 0,1 ‰
driving license on probation
Maximum blood alcohol content - Professional drivers: 0,1 ‰
trucks, buses, transport of dangerous goods
Daytime running lights: Mandatory day time running light
Effective as of 01.01.2014
Seat belts
The use of seat belts and child restraint systems is mandatory. Child restraint systems are not compulsory for children above the age of 12 and taller than 1,50 m
Seats belts are not compulsory for:
- passengers with specific medical certificate; for journeys abroad passengers get a medical certificate by the local (cantonal) authorities according to Directive 91/671/EEC as amended
- delivery vehicles which do not drive faster than 25km/h
- driving at walking pace
- operational staff and passengers in public transport (e.g. buses, coaches, trams)
Traffic lights
The amber light announces the red light at which the driver has to stop. The penalty for ignoring the red light is 250 CHF.
Safety helmet not mandatory
Drivers do not need to wear a helmet provided that the maximum speed is not higher than 20km/h
Safety helmet mandatory
Mopeds Helmet must comply with UN ECE Regulation 22
Motorcycles with/without a sidecar Helmet must comply with UN ECE Regulation 22
Light and heavy tricycles Helmet must comply with UN ECE Regulation 22
Light and heavy quadricycles Helmet must comply with UN ECE Regulation 22
Safety equipment for cars
Warning triangle
Bike safety equipment
Cyclists must have a bell, except when the mass of the bike is less than 11kg.
Winter tyres