Passenger cars below 3.5t - urban roads: 48 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - non-urban roads: 96 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - expressways: 112 km/h
Passenger cars below 3.5t - motorways: 112 km/h
Vehicle registration plates: GB
Maximum blood alcohol content - Standard drivers: 0,8 ‰
0,5 ‰ in Scotland
Maximum blood alcohol content - Novice drivers: 0,8 ‰
0,5 ‰ in Scotland
Maximum blood alcohol content - Professional drivers: 0,8 ‰
0,5 ‰ in Scotland
Daytime running lights: -
Seat belts
The use of seat belts and child restraint systems is MANDATORY.
Exemptions for:
- a driver who is reversing, or supervising a learner driver who is reversing;
- in a vehicle being used for police, fire and rescue services;
- a passenger in a trade vehicle who is investigating a mechanical fault;
- driving a goods vehicle on deliveries that is travelling no more than 50 metres between stops;
- a licensed taxi driver who is 'plying for hire' or carrying passengers.
Medical exemptions for seat belts
Your doctor may say you do not have to wear a seat belt for a medical reason. They will give you a 'Certificate of Exemption from Compulsory Seat Belt Wearing'. You must:
- keep this in your vehicle;
- show it to the police if you're stopped.
You'll also need to tell your car insurer.
Vehicles without seat belts
For vehicles without seat belts AND originally made without seat belts (e.g. a classic car):
- drivers are not allowed to carry children under 3;
- children over 3 are only allowed to sit in the back seats.
Child restraint systems
- Children under the age of 3 must use an appropriate child restraint system, whether travelling on the front or the rear seat.
Exemption: a child under the age of 3 may travel unrestrained in a taxi if a child restraint is not available.
- Children aged 3 or older and up to 135 cm in height or 12 years of age (whichever they reach first) must also use an appropriate child restraint system, whether travelling on the front or the rear seat.
Exemptions: if travelling in the rear seat of:
- a taxi OR
- a motor vehicle, for a short distance and in an unexpected necessity OR
- a motor vehicle where two occupied child restraints prevent fitting a third one (then they must use an adult seat belt if a child restraint is not available
- Children aged 12 or 13 or over 135 cm in height must use an adult seat belt.
Traffic lights
No specific rules in force.
Safety helmet not mandatory
Bicycles Strongly recommended but not mandatory.
Light and heavy tricycles Strongly recommended but not mandatory.
Light and heavy quadricycles Strongly recommended but not mandatory.
Safety helmet mandatory
Mopeds Exemptions: followers of the Sikh religion while wearing a turban.
Motorcycles with/without a sidecar
Safety equipment for cars
Bike safety equipment
Bicycles must have a white light to the front and a red reflector or light to the rear if riding at night.
Winter tyres