Safety equipment for cars and bikes in Europe

Found: 31
CountrySafety equipment for carsSafety equipment for bikes
Austria First-aid kit
Warning triangle
Reflective jacket vest
Belgium Warning triangle
Fire extinguisher
First aid kit
High-visibility vest.
White or yellow front lights & red back lights. Tricycles & quads - white front reflectors and red tail reflectors.
Working brakes.
Bulgaria reflective vest
warning triangle
first-aid kit
fire extinguisher
On public roads, each bicycle must be fitted with:

Working brakes
Warning bell
White or yellow lamp at the front and a red reflector (or a red light) at the back
White or yellow reflectors on both sides of the wheels
Cyclists are obliged to drive as close as possible to the right border of a traffic lane
Reflective vest (outside built-up areas, and at night/in poor visibility)
Croatia First-aid kit
Warning triangle
Reflective vest in the car
Spare bulbs (except for cars with xenon, neon or LED bulbs)
Cyprus - -
Czech Republic Seat belts
First-aid kit
Two independent brakes
Rear red reflector and front white reflector
Front white lamp and rear red lamp in conditions of reduced visibility
Denmark Warning triangle -
Estonia Fire-extinguisher
Wheel chock
Warning triangle
First-aid box (only company car)
Safety vest (cars, trucks, buses or tractors)
Helmet – mandatory for cyclists under 16
Warning bell
Working brakes
White reflector in front, red reflector at the back and yellow or white reflector on both sides of at least one wheel of the bicycle
Finland warning triangle -
France First aid kit
Warning triangle
Reflective vest
Germany First aid kit
Warning triangle
Reflective vest
Warning bell
Lighting devices
Greece Warning triangle
First-aid kit
Fire extinguisher
Hungary Warning triangle Front and rear lights
Orange spoke reflectors
Helmet (only over 50 km/h outside built-up areas)
Reflective vest (outside built-up areas, at night/ in poor visibility).
Ireland - Safety equipment for cyclists, e.g. helmets, reflective vests are not mandatory. However, their use is actively encouraged. Bicycles must have a bell, a white light to the front and a red light to the rear.
Italy Reflective vest
Warning triangle
Latvia Emergency hazard sign
First aid kit
Fire extinguisher
Liechtenstein Warning triangle (UNECE Regulation 127) Cyclists must have a bell, except for bikes under 11kg.
Lithuania Fire-extinguisher
Emergency triangle
First-aid kit
Reflective vest or reflector
Cyclists and passengers under 18 must wear a securely fastened cycle helmet. Cyclists over 18 are recommended to wear a securely fastened cycle helmet.
During the hours of darkness, or when visibility is poor, road cyclists must switch on their white front lights and red rear lights and must wear a reflective vest. During the day, road cyclists must wear red, orange or yellow reflective vests or switch on their white front lights and red rear lights.
Luxembourg warning triangle
reflective vest (for cars not registered in Luxembourg, only the use of a reflective vest is mandatory under certain circumstances)
Malta Cars for hire must be equipped with fire extinguishers, warning breakdown triangle and first aid kit. Reflective jacket (in the dark only)
Helmet for children under 10 travelling pillion in a safety seat
Front and rear lamps and rear reflectors (in the dark only)
Racing bicycles are normally exempted from the obligations mentioned above unless used at night
Netherlands Warning triangle -
Norway Warning triangle
Reflective vest in the car
Fire extinguisher – only in buses
Poland Fire-extinguisher
Warning triangle
Portugal Reflective vest
Warning triangle
Romania Reflective emergency triangle
Fire extinguisher
Reflective vest (vehicles more than 3.5t)
Reflective gear at night
Bicycles must be fitted with reflective devices.
Slovakia Reflective vest
Warning triangle
Reflective vest (when visibility is poor)
Slovenia Warning triangle
Reflective vest
First-aid kit
Replacement bulbs
Spain Spare wheel and tools for fitting it
2 portable warning triangles
Reflective vest
Buses and large commercial vehicles: fire extinguisher
Use of wheel chains mandatory in heavy snow.
Helmet (Cyclists under 16: mandatory
Cyclists over 16: recommended in urban areas and mandatory outside urban areas) Reflective vest
Front and rear lights (at night and in tunnels)
Sweden Warning triangle
Fire extinguisher - only buses
Helmet (compulsory for children under 15)
Switzerland Warning triangle Cyclists must have a bell, except when the mass of the bike is less than 11kg.
United Kingdom - Bicycles must have a white light to the front and a red reflector or light to the rear if riding at night.
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Last update: 12/8/2015
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